onsdag 19. juli 2017

Honey bee...as Nora

Ugly expressionast painting painting...Pintura fea expresionista. Nora....la avejjita buena...si no quieres que te muerda...dile...bzzz bzzz bzzz y vas haver que va donde otras florsitas....habla con las avejitas...ellas entienden mas que lo que crees....
if you don't want her to bite you...say humm..humm...humm...and she will go play with other flowers....belive me....you just need to say....hummmm.... speak the laungages of the bee...i dare you...

søndag 16. juli 2017

torsdag 13. juli 2017

Bumble bee heaven

Bumble bee....B....hum...hum...humm....

Jonah the sweet loving bumble bee.....

bumble bee....hum...humm...hum..inkognito...

Bumble bee....mikeywolfy greenworld

Bumble bee mikeywolfy azur